
Energy saving and environmental protection, the screen is not plugged in the case of zero energy consumption;


Compact structure, small footprint, simple operation and maintenance;

(3)全新款微滤要采用全自动控制,滚筒跟反清洗水泵可以分开控制,分别有手动、停止、自动状态,可根据自己的使用情况来选择不同的工作状态,运行稳定,无需人员值守。设计水处理能力为20-200 m³/h

The full use of full automatic controldrum and reverse wash water pump can be controlled separatelythere are manual, stop, automatic state, according to their own use to choose a different state of work, stable operation, no personnel on duty.Design water treatment capacity of 20-200 m³/h

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